家长常见问题 & 在校生家庭

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from 父母 和 家庭 of current 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 students

1. 如果家里有紧急情况,我怎么联系我的学生?

如果有人死亡, 突如其来的疾病, 或者家里有其他紧急情况, the 注册商’s Office (724-334-6041) will help locate your student 和 relay a message to call home immediately. The Office of Student Affairs (724-334-6062) can also assist families during a time of emergency. If something occurs over a break or holiday 和 a student will be delayed in returning to school, 请致电学生事务办公室,以便工作人员通知教师.*

如有其他与健康有关的紧急情况,请联系 卫生服务. 与斯特拉护士联系,请致电724-334-6066与健康相关的问题或担忧.

Personal Counseling services are available on campus Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m. (八月中至五月中).

在失踪学生的案件中, please contact the 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 University 警察 Services at 724-334-6120 or Penn State 警察 at 814-863-1111.

* 工作人员 members cannot excuse students from class; they only inform academic units of an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to follow through with the instructors after returning to campus. 往返校园的交通是学生或家庭的责任.

2. Where can my son/daughter find out about careers in his/her major 和 learn how to obtain an internship?

学生应该在定位中发挥积极的作用, 申请, 和 obtaining an internship site 和 completing the necessary 要求s to receive academic credit. 职业服务 provides services 和 resources to assist 和 support students in finding 和 preparing for internships. 

3. 我如何获得学生经济援助的信息?

家长和学生可以通过以下途径获得有关经济援助的信息 金融援助 或致电724-334-LION.  Student aid can be defined as any resource that supplements what parents 和 students are expected to contribute to meet the costs of a college education.  Penn State students receive four types of student aid: 奖助金, scholarships, loans, 和 work-study.

4. 我在哪里可以得到关于我孩子学费的问题的答案?

Questions concerning a student's bill, refund or payments are referred to the 财务主管's Office. 您可以拨打814-865-6528与他们联系 财务主管的网站 或写信给财务处, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩, 103 Shields大厦, 大学公园, PA 16802.

5. 我在哪里可以找到有关住房选择的信息?


Nittany Highl和s Apartments: This privately owned apartment complex is located across the street 和 provides apartment-style living 和 a residence hall-like experience

额外校外住宿: Due to our close proximity to Pittsburgh, our students have plenty of housing options to choose from.  然而,选择住在校外的学生应该计划有一辆车.

6. 有大学活动日历吗?

是的.  查看 校园日历 在线.

7. 是否有校历记录每学期的开始和结束?

是的. 注册办公室发布大学的官方信息 校历.

8. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩对新生有免疫和医疗要求吗?

是的, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩要求所有攻读学位的学生接种麻疹疫苗, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹,并将这些信息提交到网上. 学生们还被鼓励填写一份在线健康史表格. 阅读更多相关内容 免疫接种 要求.

9. 我的学生什么时候能收到学费?

大约在开课前6周开始, bills will be prepared for students who have scheduled classes 和 have full eLion access. Students will receive notification via their Penn State email account when the tuition bill is available to view/pay or to confirm registration on eLion. 纸质账单不邮寄. 秋季学期的账单是在七月中旬准备的, 春季学期11月中旬,夏季学期4月中旬. 如果适用,宿舍费用包含在账单中. Bills are prepared on a weekly basis through the first 10 days of the semester for students scheduling later. 更多的账单信息可在 学费账单说明页面 财务处的人. 

10. 如果我的学生有额外的学生资助,他/她应该怎么做?

The “Anticipated Student 金融援助 Detail” section on your 学费 Bill shows your current known available aid. 如果你有额外的奖学金, 奖助金, 或贷款, please refer to this section at 学费 Bill Instructions for information noting those changes. LionPath的学费账单 将反映当前信息(需要家长访问权限). 从大学储蓄计划中付款的程序也可以在这个网站上找到.


有关学生经济援助的更多信息,请访问 财政援助办公室.

要通过LionPath查看学生的账单,请访问 LionPath 网页. 

11. Our family insurance company (or my employer) is requiring proof that my son/ daughter is (or was) enrolled at Penn State. 我该怎么办??

保险公司, financial lenders or employers may require proof that a student was or is currently enrolled at Penn State. 学历证明提供入学证明, 毕业, 学生的地位, 以及其他相关信息.

家长们现在可以通过 LionPath 父/其他菜单. 在使用之前,家长必须先获得学生的许可. 完成这个过程的步骤可以在这里找到.

12. 在免费mg不朽情缘试玩,“校园”和“学院”有什么不同??


校园是一个地方. 学生上课的地点,可以住在学生宿舍. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩在全州有20个校区.

A college is an academic organization -- a collection of faculty 和 students teaching 和 studying a common subject. We have 11 academic colleges at 大学公园 campus 和 6 others at Penn State campuses throughout 宾西法尼亚.

大多数寻求学位的免费mg不朽情缘试玩的学生就读于一个校园,并在一所大学注册.  欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的列表 宾州州立大学校园宾州州立大学.

13. 我的儿子/女儿明年将转到免费mg不朽情缘试玩的另一个校区, 他/她有什么可用的资源?

在宾州州立大学, 从一个校园搬迁到另一个校园的过程被称为搬迁, 和 this typically takes place after completing the first two years of full-time study toward a baccalaureate degree. Change of Location requests submitted prior to the completion of two years of study are only granted in extreme cases in which the student would not be able to meet the curricular 要求s of the chosen major.  

在校园之间转换, the only 要求 is that you meet the entrance to major 要求s for your selected major.  欲了解更多有关 2+2计划, contact the campus advisor for the major you are interested in, or contact 招生.

Events including the biennial 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 Student Reunion at 大学公园, 每年去大学公园参加Link UP项目, 以及一年一度的免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的学生欢送招待会, provide information 和 resources to students transferring to another Penn State campus. 

校内住宿要求和信息可在以下网站找到 www.eliving.事业单位.edu

Off-campus housing information is campus specific; please visit your intended campus’ website for more information.

For more information please contact the 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 Office of Student Affairs at 724-334-6062.

14. 我的学生在他/她的课上有困难,可以得到帮助吗?

学生在课堂上遇到困难时,鼓励向课程教师寻求帮助, 教务处, 以及学术和职业成功中心.

The 学术 和 职业成功中心 at Penn State 新肯辛顿 includes resources for students who are having difficulty with a particular course as well as for students who aim to maintain a high academic st和ing.  服务包括辅导服务, 专题工作坊, 学习小组, 写作的支持, 数学的支持, 对学习障碍的支持, 以及学术资源材料.

15. 我的儿子/女儿有残疾. 我应该联系免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的谁来讨论残疾人服务?

Disability Services provides support 和 assistance for students with disabilities who are seeking accommodations. Students with disabilities should contact the campus Disability Services liaisons to discuss the University's process for receiving reasonable accommodations. 联系 斯特拉米尔本,校园护士(身体残疾联络),以及 露丝Herstek他是学术咨询副主任.  在夏季的几个月里,联系 特蕾莎发出巨响学生事务主任.

16. 我能看到我儿子/女儿的成绩吗?

当学生年满18岁或开始进入高等教育机构时, FERPA权利从家长转移到学生. This means that parents may not obtain any of their student's education records without the written consent of the student.  欲了解更多信息,请访问免费mg不朽情缘试玩家长 & 家庭网页 学生的隐私.